

Meet in the summer and say goodbye in the summer.小卖部买不到带气的汽泡水了,学校也没我们的名字了。

There was no bubbly water at the grocery store, and the school had lost our names.

我喜欢的男孩子打篮球,可惜我没牵过他打完球脏脏的手,没穿过他的球衣 没看见他投三分球后冲着我笑。I like the boy playing basketball, but I did not lead him to play the ball dirty hand, did not wear his jersey did not see him after the three-point shot at me to smile.

好看的风景总是凑巧出现在学生时代。Beautiful scenery always happens to be in school.明年夏天这个教室又坐满了人,可惜不是我们。

The classroom will be full again next summer, but it won't be us.考试最后一科停笔看了眼时间合上试卷和答题 卡 微靠左墙,余光看向操场 一切都结束了。The last section of the exam to stop the pen looked at the time to close the test paper and answer card on the left wall, out of the corner of the playground everything is over.

万事胜意 前程似锦 祝你 也祝我。I wish you all the best.

再穿一次短袖我们就散了。Put on short sleeves one more time and we're loose.

终于要成为老师口中的上一届学生了。Finally to become the teacher said the last class of students.


版权属于: 自由随风-天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物


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