


1)of one's own accord

Collins:If you do something of your own accord, you do it because you want to, without being asked or forced.

Webster:used to indicate that someone does something because he or she wants to, not because someone has asked the person or forced him or her to do it

影视剧中的 of one's own accord

“of one’s own accord“的意思就是”自愿地、心甘情愿地“,例句:

1.Each day, the brother of editorial office can work overtime of one's own accord before dawn. 每一天,编辑部的兄弟们都会自愿加班到凌晨。

2.A:Why did you help him? Is there anyone who asked you to do so?

B:Not really, I did it solely of my own accord.



2)to drown one's sorrows

Collins:If you say that someone is drowning their sorrows, you mean that they are drinking alcohol in order to forget something sad or upsetting that has happened to them.

Webster:to forget about one's sorrows/fears by getting drunk

借酒浇愁 to drown one's sorrows

“to drown one's sorrows“的意思就是”借酒消愁“,韦氏字典的解释简单明了。例句:

1.He had to drown his troubles in whisky because he was very bitter about the miscarriage of justice.他只好借酒浇愁,因为他对审判不公感到十分愤懑。

另外还有两点提醒您,1)“to drown one's sorrows“一定用复数”sorrows“,2)借酒浇愁也可以写成”to drown one's fear“,即”借酒精消除恐惧“。


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